Tuesday, June 7, 2011

First Heat Wave

Heat, heat, heat! And very little rain... It's been a rough couple of weeks for the newest additions to my garden. Seems at this point that if I don't water things every other day, they suffer from severe droop. At the least, I'm glad this is just a water issue, as leaf scorch hasn't really come into play. Ten minutes of whole-can-watering of the strugglers perks them right up after each incident. This is a good sign because it means the plants physically are both sun-tolerant and heat-acclimated, just not well enough established root-wise. I'm about two-thirds finished cutting out the fence beds, and I'm also planning to wrap my east wall bed around to meet my driveway five feet up toward the front of my property.

Well, today I received the last of my back-ordered plants, which are 3 hydrangeas that are going to live in pots for at least a couple of years. Once again, those were the Mathilda Gutges, Pia, and Harlequin (picotee) varieties. These are in great shape with woody stems and should take off nice as they will also have a chance to overwinter in my garage.

Tomorrow, I plan to get out at the crack of dawn to resume bed cutting and I need to make a few last minute transplants. Those roses in my east wall bed are doing terribly, and they need to be moved pronto! Again, these include five items which are hot pink knockout, sunny knockout, oregold tea, orange tea, double-delight tea. As of now, the leaves have been severely eaten back by undetermined insects that have left all of the other plants in this bed alone! The few leaves that aren't completely eaten off look like swiss cheese! These should probably regenerate in a different (sunnier) environment, though.

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